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Coping with the deafening noise pollution in Dhaka City

 As a resident of Dhaka city, I have always struggled with the constant noise pollution that surrounds us. From the blaring car horns to the incessant construction noises, it feels like there is no escaping the never-ending chaos. However, the recent construction work going on beside my residence has taken it to another level, and it has become unbearable for me to cope with the noise pollution.

Noise pollution is a serious issue in Dhaka city, and it affects not only our physical health but also our mental well-being. It's a well-known fact that excessive noise pollution can lead to hearing loss, but it can also cause stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. The constant noise can disrupt our sleep patterns, affect our concentration levels, and make it difficult for us to relax and unwind.

The construction work going on beside my residence has been a nightmare for me. The noise levels are so high that it's impossible to work or even have a conversation without shouting. I have tried using earplugs and noise-canceling headphones, but they don't help much in reducing the noise. It has started to affect my mental health, and I often feel anxious and irritated.

The situation is not unique to me, as many residents in Dhaka city face similar issues due to noise pollution. The continuous honking of car horns, loud music from shops and restaurants, and the sounds of construction work make it impossible to find peace and quiet.

As a community, we need to address this issue of noise pollution and take steps to minimize its effects. The government and other regulatory bodies should enforce laws and regulations regarding noise levels and ensure that construction companies follow them. It's important to have designated quiet areas in the city, where people can go to relax and unwind without being disturbed by the noise.

In conclusion, noise pollution is a significant problem in Dhaka city, and it's essential to address it for our physical and mental well-being. We need to work together as a community to find ways to reduce noise pollution and create a more peaceful and healthy environment to live in.


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