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22 things you must do with your wife

1. Call her with sweet nicknames (the prophet use to call Aisha "Aish").

2.Play with her, any halal game at all (the prophet use to race with Aisha) and Allah loves it when a husband plays with his wife.

3. Treat her kindly and offer her everything that will soften her heart towards you (it's a warning from the prophet on his last sermon at arafat)

4.Buy her gifts sometimes even if is toffee (they love to be treated like a baby)

5. Never have intercourse with her without a "messenger" eg. kisses and always make sure she is satisfied (Recommended by the prophet).

6. Help her in domestic activities eg. Cooking, washing, tiding up the room, etc. anytime you are available (it's sunnah)

7. Honour her parents and buy them presents sometimes.

8. Appreciate the good things she has been doing for you and be thanking her for that always. Allah says; He who does not thanks people does not thanks me.

9. Let her know how much she means to you, how much you love her and how lucky you are to have her.

10. Be carrying her to bed sometimes like a baby.

11. Before criticising her, praise her first.

12. Make yourself attractive to her always by smelling good (both mouth and body, its sunnah).

13. Chat with her sometimes when you are together.

14. Phone to tell her, "I miss U" ,"I love U" when you are at work.

15. Be doing things together with her, e.g. cooking, eating, bathing janabah, reciting Qur'an, praying, etc.

16. Don't reveal her fault in the presence of others.

17. Teach her about the deen (Islam) what she don't know and encourage her on matters of the deen.

18. Avoid hitting, beating or harming her (it's not Islam)

19. Encourage her to be wearing Hijab (its compulsory), praying the five times salat at its fixed times and be fasting in the month of ramadan.

20. Thank Allah for completing your Life.

21. Always remember her in your du'aas (prayers).

22. Be the path she will pass to JANNAH.


May Allah give all muslim men the understanding and patience they will need to take good care of their wives.


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